Alcohol Can Be A Gas! Fueling an Ethanol Revolution for the 21st Century — Paperback


A paperback copy of Alcohol Can Be A Gas!

SKU: 9780979043772 Category:


Alcohol Can Be A Gas! Fueling an Ethanol Revolution for the 21st Century by David Blume — Paperback

The paperback version is identical in content to the hardcover version.  The less-expensive binding allows you to save money when giving the book to a local politician, your mechanic who you want to convert your car, or that friend who keeps borrowing your own hardcover copy “just one more time.”  It’s notch bound, which saturates the paper with much more glue to give you the strongest paperback binding available.

Internally divided into six books, Alcohol Can Be A Gas! contains 640 8.5″ x 11” pages in a single volume, with more than 500 illustrations, charts, and photos. It sports a 700-word glossary and a full index. It retains the original 1983 foreword by R. Buckminster Fuller. Alcohol Can Be A Gas! is a complete toolbox for farmers, green entrepreneurs, and activists to wrest control of our energy system from the Oilygarchy and put it back in the hands of the public.