“According to estimates by Talkers Magazine, Coast to Coast AM has a cumulative weekly audience of around 2.75 million unique listeners listening for at least five minutes, making it the most listened-to program in its time slot.” — Wikipedia
The text below is from the Coast to Coast AM website. Appearances by David Blume:
31. Tuesday – December 10, 2024. Inventor and researcher David Blume discussed the drive for regenerative agriculture, transforming agricultural waste into valuable products, and his advocacy for ethanol as a fuel alternative.
Addressing the future of agriculture, he expressed concern about food production and population growth. We may not be able to produce enough food in 15 to 30 years, he cautioned, urging for improvements in agricultural practices. He critiqued the term “sustainable agriculture,” explaining that it often has meant just don’t let things get any worse. Instead, he argued for regenerative practices that enhance soil fertility through biological rather than chemical means, like turning crop waste back into the ground.
Blume shared some of his innovative techniques as an alternative to pesticides, such as creating habitats for frogs to naturally control pests. “So those frogs eat all those bugs, if there’s enough frogs, and then they poop them out all over your farm, fertilizing everything,” he enthused. He also outlined his work in New Zealand, where he aims to mitigate agricultural runoff using cattails as biofilters. Regarding ethanol, he reported that Stellantis, the world’s largest automotive brand, is investing billions to produce vehicles that can run on flex fuel with up to 100% alcohol, signaling a shift away from oil dependency. For more, check out his offer for a free e-book copy of “Alcohol Can Be a Gas!”
30. Wednesday – March 27, 2024. Ecological biologist David Blume reported on biofuels and problems with electric vehicles.
Ecological biologist and expert in alternative fuels and sustainable agriculture, David Blume reported on why electric vehicles (EVs) are losing popularity and food prices continue to rise. He shared his concerns about the environmental impact of electric cars, noting that the vehicles have very heavy batteries, which cause the tires to wear out faster. “It turned out that thousands of pounds…of hydrocarbon rubber dust was released into the atmosphere from the speed of the tires breaking down,” and this was releasing more pollution into the air than a gasoline car, he contended. In Europe, many car manufacturers are ending or reducing their electric car production because of poor sales, and customer problems, he added.
Blume also pointed out that the lithium mining needed for the EVs is creating a toxic situation for the miners, and the mines are running out of the mineral. As a more ecological power source, he highlighted the use of renewable natural gas, which is cleaner than other fuels like coal. Blume also praised using fermented plant material to produce alcohol as a biofuel, which can help reduce carbon dioxide emissions and the burning of fossil fuels. On the subject of food prices, he suggested that they would not be going down any time soon, as the cost of chemical fertilizers has increased partially in relation to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
29. Saturday – August 5 2023. Regenerative Agriculture.
In the first hour, David Blume talked about sustainable fuels, regenerative agriculture, and the cannabis industry. “Gasoline is actually garbage… it’s the waste product from making everything valuable out of oil,” Blume explained, noting Brazil exports most of its oil because the country runs on renewable fuels. “If we weren’t importing oil, can you imagine how much more capital we’d have in this country if we produced all of our fuel here,” he suggested. Blume defined regenerative agriculture as a philosophy that seeks to repair and improve the environment. He revealed how fertilizers and pesticides sterilize the natural organic biology of the soil and make us dependent on industrial chemicals for agriculture. Blume also disclosed how he helped cannabis farmers increase their yields by teaching them how to increase carbon dioxide levels in their greenhouses to get three times the product per square foot.
28. Thursday – April 27 2023. Alternative fuel expert David Blume discussed the recent push to eliminate residential use of gas ranges.
In the first half, ecological biologist and expert in alternative fuels and sustainable agriculture, David Blume discussed the recent push to eliminate residential use of gas ranges, and the topic of ethanol as a gas alternative for automobiles. There has been a movement to restrict natural gas and gas lines into homes in certain locations, he noted. When you burn natural gas, it is essentially methane, and increases the amount of CO2 into the atmosphere. While natural gas can be considered a reasonably clean fuel, its possible ban may have more to do with utility companies having shortages of it in comparison to coal, he suggested. What we’re seeing, Blume continued, is “government being manipulated into doing what the fossil fuel industry wants.” Communities and farmers could make renewable natural gas (methane) on their own that doesn’t add CO2 to the air, but oil companies don’t want decentralized efforts such as this to compete with them, he commented. Regarding gasoline at the fuel pumps, he reported that E15 or 15% alcohol gas might become the norm, up from 10%. People or groups can build their own distilleries, brewing alcohol from such things as donuts, old bread, and waste fruit and creating an opportunity for energy independence, he enthused. Many vehicles can run on alcohol instead of gas, he added.
27. Thursday – September 1 2022. Expert in alternative fuels David Blume discussed the recent proposal to ban the sale of gas-powered vehicles in California.
In the first half, expert in alternative fuels and sustainable agriculture David Blume discussed the recent proposal to ban the sale of gas-powered vehicles in California by 2035, the advantages of alcohol-based fuel, and different energy solutions. He believes the California law is misguided as there are still a lot of problems with electric vehicles (EVs), including the lengthy time it takes to charge them. Further, powering all the cars places a strain on the electric grid, “and we can hardly keep it up as it is” as the grid technology hasn’t been modernized, he noted. Copper, which is not renewable, is also needed to run EVs, and there could be shortages and supply problems. He agrees with California’s governor that we must get away from gasoline. Blume considers petroleum “a scourge on the land” and terrible for workers and the environment, and suggested that the rise in gasoline prices is due to the near-certainty of how much oil is left before it runs out. He is a proponent of using ethanol or alcohol to run car engines. Alcohol is a clean fuel, he added, and actually reduces the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. Making alcohol or ethanol is legal, with permits available– it costs just 47 cents a gallon to run a car, he estimated. At Blume’s Whiskey Hill Farms, he is growing crops of wasabi to make a wasabi/ginger-flavored liquor.
26. Monday – May 2 2022. Ecological biologist David Blume shared the latest news on ethanol and alternative fuels.
In the first half, ecological biologist and expert in alternative fuels David Blume discussed what is behind the rising gas prices and inflation, and the latest developments in using alcohol or ethanol for fuel. Recently, Pres. Biden has allowed for a 15% level of the corn-based fuel additive, ethanol, to be mixed in with gasoline sold at the pumps (up from 10%), as a strategy to reduce high gas prices. Blume considers this a step in the right direction and noted that the vast majority of cars in the US could run on as high as 30% ethanol in their tanks. Oil companies have realized that their supplies are ultimately limited, and prices may continue to stay high or rise even further, he predicted, with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine affecting the market. America primarily uses corn to produce alcohol fuel, but in other parts of the world, such plants as sorghum, cassava, sugar cane, and sugar beets are being utilized. Blume doesn’t view corn for fuel as contributing to food shortages, as only the carbohydrates are used when fermented, and then cows can be fed the leftover fiber and protein. Blume was happy to report that at his suggestion, some shipping freighters are now experimenting with using alcohol fuel to power them, which is great for the environment. He also spoke about his new project creating organic liquor, including a beverage called “Firewater,” which is flavored with wasabi that he grows on his farm. For more, check out his 12-Point Plan for American Energy Independence.
25. Sunday – December 5 2021. Expert in alternative fuels and sustainable agriculture, David Blume, discussed rising gas prices and problematic supply chains.
In the first half, expert in alternative fuels and sustainable agriculture, David Blume discussed such issues as rising gas prices and problematic supply chains, as well as his efforts in the regenerative farming movement. The ‘just in time’ manufacturing process (items created to meet demand) has been turned upside down with the pandemic, he said, and now, manufacturers have realized that they can get away with raising their prices and making less product. He pointed out that with gas prices more than $5 a gallon in California, the alternative fuel, alcohol, is selling for over a dollar less. Interestingly, he suggested that Big Oil companies are behind the push for electric cars, as fossil fuels such as coal are used to produce the electricity needed to run the vehicles. Meeting Richard Branson, he found out that the British business magnate was very interested in Blume’s method for converting diesel generators into alcohol (Branson powers his island with wind turbines but occasionally needs other sources). Blume also spoke about his project of converting old plastic (such as from the ocean) back into ethanol. Related to this process, edible plant proteins can be created, and deforestation is reduced, he enthused. He also touched on his project to grow food without adverse effects on the environment (as they do at his Whiskey Hill Farms in California), and his organic hand sanitizer made without isopropyl alcohol, which is safe to use on the skin.
24. Monday – May 17 2021. Expert in sustainable agriculture, David Blume spoke about the benefits of alcohol/ethanol fuel.
In the first half, expert in alternative fuels and sustainable agriculture, David Blume spoke about the benefits of alcohol/ethanol fuel. He also addressed how the gas pipeline disruption, as well as the pandemic, have demonstrated the importance of local government and supply chains. Legislation and policy, he argued, should be tailored to meet the needs of communities rather than protecting powerful corporations. Alcohol is the only fuel that can be made by individuals themselves in their local environments, he pointed out. The argument that growing corn to make into alcohol instead of to stave off world hunger is a fallacy, Blume suggested, adding that most of the corn acreage in the US ends up feeding cattle that aren’t even able to fully digest the fibrous parts of it. Blume was critical of the electric car industry, commenting that the batteries are inefficient for powering vehicles, and further, the electricity is often derived from polluting sources. However, “alcohol can make electricity too,” he noted, and is an ideal source for “micro-grids” that power a square mile or less but could include such facilities as hospitals or sewage treatment plants. He also talked about his project to grow food without adverse effects on the environment (as they do at his Whiskey Hill Farms in California), and his safe organic hand sanitizer, made without isopropyl alcohol.
23. Monday – August 24 2020. David Blume reflected on the coronavirus pandemic and detailed how some hand sanitizers can be hazardous to your health.
In the first half of the program, ecological biologist and 30 year expert in alternative fuels and sustainable agriculture, David Blume reflected on the coronavirus pandemic and detailed how some hand sanitizers can be hazardous to your health. He offered an intriguing theory regarding the events of the past few months, arguing that the economy had been teetering on the brink of collapse at the start of the year. “Well before COVID was announced, I was talking to investors and they were losing their shirts,” he said, “and, wow, all of a sudden this little known virus from China shows up and everything is blamed on it.” As such, Blume postulated that perhaps the pandemic is being used by the ‘powers that be’ as a proverbial cover for why an economic meltdown has occurred. Regarding the potential dangers associated with hand sanitizers, Blume explained that the high demand for such products has led to a plethora of new brands being introduced which initially managed to avoid stringent oversight from the Food and Drug Administration by way of vague descriptions of their effects. “They’re all sneaking in under the ‘cosmetic’ label,” he revealed, “and they’re full of all kinds of horrible chemicals.” Due to a scarcity of ethyl alcohol, he said, some less reputable companies have taken to putting highly toxic methanol in their sanitizers, which is what led to widespread recalls in recent weeks. “Over 150 of them have been pulled off the market because they have been killing people,” he said, urging Coast listeners to visit his website for more insights into what specific chemicals consumers should be looking to avoid for when examining the ingredients of hand sanitizers.
22. Tuesday – October 15 2019. David Blume shared updates on alcohol fuel and power outages.
In the first half, expert in alternative fuels and sustainable agriculture, David Blume shared updates on the ecological benefits of alcohol-based fuels. He also discussed the implications of what the recent power outages in California mean to the rest of the nation and our outdated power grid. The blackouts in Northern California were supposedly set by Pacific Gas & Electric (PGE) because of heavy winds and heat making the region more susceptible to forest fires. But, the wind was only 2MPH, and the temperature was 70 degrees during the outage, Blume reported, “so the whole story didn’t hold together,” and he suspects it was a way for customers to pay for PGE’s costs. Though PGE pushes natural gas as a cleaner option, it’s not renewable like alcohol fuel, he added. One of the ways we can make the grid safer, he pointed out, is to decentralize it through “microgrid” technology, in which different neighborhoods provide their own power, such as through converted diesel generators that run on emission-free alcohol. The burgeoning marijuana industry uses a lot of energy, and has reached out to Blume to install microgrids for their greenhouses. The exhaust from the alcohol-burning engine actually produces CO2, which, when cooled, is excellent for the plants and helps them grow more, he enthused. One cargo or freighter ship puts out as much pollution as 15 million cars, he cited, and these vessels could run well on clean alcohol-based based fuels instead of diesel. Some port cities are demanding that ships enter using only clean fuel so as not to pollute their environment, he stated. Blume invited the audience to a sign a petition to automakers to bring Flex Fuel to more vehicles.
21. Wednesday – January 23 2019. David Blume discussed the burgeoning hemp and cannabis industries.
In the first half, ecological biologist and 30-year expert in alternative fuels and sustainable agriculture, David Blume, discussed the hemp and cannabis industries and how they were suppressed but are now enjoying a comeback with many inspiring applications. Investment is huge in the new market for cannabis (including $4 billion from Corona), he reported, and by some estimates, the legal market could have an annual business of $500 billion, internationally. Blume said he’s been working with “cannabusinesses” or “cannaindustry” to encourage them to use alcohol instead of propane to make cleaner versions of medical byproducts such as CBD oil (derived from hemp, and showing promising health benefits).
He also updated his work on the ecological benefits of alcohol-based fuels– many gas stations sell fuel with up to 15% alcohol, raised up from 10%. Blume noted they could sell gas with up to 30% alcohol which vehicles could run on without any modifications. Maritime and freighter ships are powered by a type of diesel fuel that is far more polluting than autos– one big container ship, he cited, makes as much pollution as 50 million cars! Alcohol fuel for the ships would go a long way in cleaning this up, he added. Blume was enthusiastic about neighborhood microgrids, a new trend for supplying electricity, which could help counter power shortages and endeavors that use up a lot of the supply.
20. Thursday – January 11 2018. David Blume discussed the benefits of alcohol-based fuels.
In the first half, ecological biologist and 30 year-expert in alternative fuels and sustainable agriculture, David Blume, detailed the benefits of alcohol-based fuels and local production of fuel crops. Petroleum sources of energy are peaking, and oil and tar spills and leaks continue to be problematic, he stated. So, now, more than ever, the focus should be on alternative options, he cited. Alcohol fuel can be considered a kind of solar energy, he explained, as it’s made from plants in the sun. If we “give the farmers some of our energy supplies,” Blume continued, “we could easily produce enough alcohol in and around the United States to replace all the other forms of energy,” including coal, nuclear, and oil. Cattails are a particularly useful plant to make alcohol, he reported, as you get 7,500 gallons per acre (which far exceeds corn), and they provide a plentiful and nutritious protein extract that could be used to feed both peole and livestock. He also touched on water supply issues, and using treated sewage water in artificial marshes. Interestingly, a NASA contingent recently visited Blume’s distillation facility to learn about producing alcohol fuel for explorations on Mars.
19. Monday – December 19 2016. David Blume discussed his ventures into alcohol-based fuels, which he thinks could replace gasoline.
In the first half, ecological biologist and expert in alternative fuels David Blume updated his ventures into alcohol-based fuels (such as ethanol) and explained why he thinks they’re a viable replacement for gasoline. Ethanol production has increased dramatically in the last few years around the world, he reported, and its usage is far less polluting than gasoline. He cited recent interest in China for alcohol fuels, as they battle tremendous amounts of air pollution in cities such as Beijing. In Brazil, populous locations such as Sao Paulo were able to turn their pollution problem around by switching over to alcohol fuels, he noted. A million tons of food waste goes to landfill, and we could make at least 20 billion gallons of alcohol in the United States from that to replace 1/6 to 1/7 of our fuel needs, and it wouldn’t choke our landfills and add more methane to the atmosphere, he outlined. Blume predicted that by around March 2017 there will be an unexplained massive price rise in gasoline, probably topping out at around $4 a gallon before it goes back down but at a significantly higher level than we’re used to paying now. “I think we’re looking at the end of cheap gas,” he commented. While many gas stations sell fuel that has 10% ethanol, standard cars could actually run on as high as 30% mixed in with regular gasoline, without any adjustments needing to be made to their engines, he detailed.
18. Tuesday – March 4 2014. Alcohol-Based Fuel.
In the first hour, ecological biologist, David Blume, provided an update on his work raising awareness about the benefits of alcohol-based fuel. He praised the Environmental Protection Agency for recommending that the percentage of alcohol in gasoline should be raised from 15 to 30 percent, despite attempts by the petroleum industry to stifle such regulations. Since the United States gets 30 percent of its oil from the Middle East, Blume contended that this increase of alcohol in gasoline would eliminate energy dependence on that volatile region of the world. Additionally, he pointed to an increased interest in alcohol-based fuels from both civic groups and the investment community as the price of gasoline continues to rise and its negative environmental impact becomes more evident.
17. Saturday – November 9 2013. Fukushima Special.
David Blume expounded on how radiation from Fukushima will affect biological systems, citing the Chelyabinsk incident in the former Soviet Union involving the explosion of buried radioactive waste. Over 300 square miles of land were initially contaminated but the radiation continued to spread over the next decade via the food chain, he reported. According to Blume, Fukushima may be much worse off because the hundreds of steel storage tanks holding contaminated water are so radioactive that no one can get near them now. “It’s the same kind of scenario as Chelyabinsk where the more we handle this stuff the more problems we have and the farther it spreads,” he said. Blume recommended putting an end to the risk by replacing nuclear power with an alternative that is safe for the environment. Electric turbines can be run on alcohol produced from crops with no pollution as they are doing in Brazil, he noted.
16. Wednesday – January 30 2013. Ethanol Update.
First hour guest, ecological biologist and advocate for alcohol-based fuel, David Blume, responded to a report that E15 gas can cause problems for cars. 15 percent ethanol gas (E15) had recently been approved for sale by the EPA as a way to increase the use of renewable fuels. But Blume declared that the new E15 study, conducted by the American Petroleum Institute, was a kind of propaganda on their part, as they fear the increased popularity of alcohol fuel. Ethanol doesn’t gum up the fuel system as the report claimed, rather it washes out the residue from regular gasoline that can plug up the fuel filter, he explained. The ultimate strategy of Big Oil, he continued, is to commercialize tar sands, oil shale, and coal to gasoline– alternatives that are all more expensive than making alcohol gas.
15. Wednesday – October 10 2012. Gas Prices.
In the latter half, ecological biologist and advocate for alcohol-based fuel, David Blume, discussed what’s behind the record setting price for gasoline in the last couple of weeks. The oil companies are blaming such disparate factors as ethanol, and the situation in Iran as the cause of the price spike, he said. But what we’re really seeing is a kind of behind-the-scenes payback– “They told Obama if he did not approve the Keystone-Exxon pipeline (that would bring crude oil from Canada to Gulf Coast refineries)…that there would be political punishment for that,” he continued, adding that Romney, if elected, said one of his first acts would be to sign the deal for the pipeline. Blume stated that after every US presidential election, in March, there is an unexplained spike in gas prices, which is the payoff for the oil companies’ support, no matter who wins the election. Discussing developments in alternative fuel, he noted that Ford and GM just endorsed E-15, which means they are warrantying all their cars to run on gasoline made with 15% alcohol, which is up from 10%. He also spoke about how cattails are an excellent alternative to corn for producing alcohol fuel, and his plans to market a small alcohol still.
14. Thursday – August 9 2012. The Corn Shortage.
In the latter half, ecological biologist and advocate for alcohol-based fuel, David Blume, shared updates about the corn shortage, ethanol, and drought conditions. Even though drought has hurt this year’s corn crops in the US, previous years have been bountiful and some 2+ billion bushels of corn are stored in silos, he said. Thus, the call to reduce the amount of corn to make ethanol, in order to use the corn to feed people, is unnecessary and being pushed by the “Big Ag/Oil” agenda, as well as people deluded by the media, he argued. “For years the oil companies have been saying ‘it’s food versus fuel; we’re competing with starving African babies for the corn, and aren’t you ethanol people unethical?’,” but this is just spin by the American Petroleum Institute in order to keep people hooked on using gas, rather than alcohol fuels, he commented. Most of the corn exported in the US actually goes to feed European cattle, and the idea that America feeds the world with our corn is a complete myth, Blume continued. He also talked about how people can make their own fuel from small stills that can not only run on crops, but waste food products. He pointed out that the wealthy have invested some $32 trillion in oil, coal, and uranium around the world, but we could replace the entire global oil and energy infrastructure with alcohol plants for just $500 billion.
13. Tuesday – July 24 2012. Drought and Farming.
First hour guest, ecological biologist and advocate for alcohol-based fuel, David Blume, addressed how the drought was affecting corn crops. It was earlier predicted to be a bumper year for corn, and there has been some rain, he noted, adding that though some crops may fail, the actual supply of corn should be fine. Oil company commodity speculators are buying up corn, while they say the drought is causing a crisis, with a goal of trying to crush alcohol fuel plans out of existence, he lamented. Blume also spoke about ways to modify agriculture to make it more drought resistant, such as planting trees which have a natural bacteria that is carried up into the clouds and stimulates rain.
12. Saturday – June 9 2012. Fukushima and the Problems with Nuclear Power.
Next, ecological biologist and advocate for alcohol-based fuel, David Blume, spoke about the history and problems with nuclear power, as well as possible alternative sources. Atomic energy was born out of the U.S. military’s desire to produce material for its nuclear weapons program, he said. Heat is a by-product of nuclear reactions and can be used to make steam and generate electricity, Blume explained. “Using nuclear energy to make steam is the least intelligent way to boil water we’ve ever come up with,” he added. Blume proposed shutting down all nuclear reactors, as they violate a basic tenant of ecology and good energy production: never use a resource that destroys other things in its use. In the case of nuclear energy, there is not only real danger from a meltdown but also from the waste which remains radioactive for 250,000 years, he continued. Blume wondered how humanity would keep track of where it is stored over the millennia. He proposed using alcohol from corn and other plants to provide fuel for cars, heating, lighting, and electrical generation, as it burns clean and is biodegradable.
11. Tuesday – February 14 2012. Gas Prices and Alternative Energy.
In the first hour, ecological biologist David Blume talked about rising gas prices and alternative energy. He warned that high gas prices are “coming back in a big way” and that experts foresee a 10 million barrel per day shortfall in oil production by 2015, which, Blume mused, “means a lot more than $5 per gallon” of gas. While gasoline remains a prime focus in America, he noted that in other parts of the world, where cars are less prevalent, there is an big increase in alcohol-based fuels to meet basic energy needs. He also detailed the surprising amount of power that can be derived from cattail plants, which can generate 7,500 gallons of alcohol per acre as opposed to corn, which only creates around 300 gallons.
10. Wednesday – June 29 2011. Alternative Energy.
In the first half, ecological biologist David Blume shared updates on nuclear power plant situations, and alternative fuel and energy. In the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Germany has said they won’t build new nuclear plants, he noted, adding that what’s really going on at the Fukushima plant has been covered up and is nowhere near over. “We’re looking at the potential of a ‘China Syndrome’ happening at at least four different reactors…and there are 20 radioactive cores melting through floors and buildings,” he revealed. The ocean is contaminated from Japan’s leak, and radioactive tuna has shown up on our shore, he continued. A bill in the Senate was recently snuck through that eliminated alcohol fuel tax credits, Blume reported, but he hopes that Obama will veto it. Most cars can run on up to 50% alcohol fuel without any modifications, and the making of alcohol fuel represents a huge growth opportunity for small business, he said. Small enterprises making alcohol can use the leftover byproduct liquid to make methane, or put it to other uses, he detailed. Right now there are over 2,000 stations that sell alcohol (ethanol) fuel, and his website features a Station Finder.
9. Wednesday – July 28 2010. Oil Spill Update.
First hour guest, ecological biologist David Blume talked about how bacteria can eat up some of the oil from the Gulf spill. However, the bacteria is taking up a lot of the water’s oxygen which leads to a die-off of ocean life. He also noted that the dispersants used on the oil just make it look like it’s gone, but it’s still there on the surface.
8. Tuesday – June 22 2010. Oil Alternatives.
First hour guest, ecological biologist David Blume talked about how the pursuit of fossil fuels has led to unfortunate scenarios like the BP spill. We have to get away from this fixation on oil, he said. “That’s why entrepreneurs across this country are looking at making alcohol [for fuel] and taking on the oil companies in their communities and underselling them,” he added.
7. Monday – May 31 2010. Oil Spill Analysis.
First hour guest, ecological biologist David Blume offered analysis of the Gulf oil spill, and the failed solutions to fix it. He suggested that BP is possibly withholding information, and the US government doesn’t know how to handle the crisis because they are beholden to the oil companies.
6. Thursday – May 6 2010. Professor of Biology, Peter Ward, and ecological biologist David Blume talked about the impact of BP’s oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico.
Ecological biologist David Blume joined the program in the third hour, also discussing the oil catastrophe. There could be as much as 1 million gallons a day being spilled from BP’s broken oil pipes, he detailed. Yet, current drilling practices aren’t going to change, until, perhaps “there’s oil on the shores of the Potomac in Washington,” and that is actually a possibility as the oil slick could be carried along the East Coast by the Gulf Stream, he said. Blume talked about alcohol gas as a cleaner and more plentiful alternative to oil, and how a wide network of small-scale alcohol fuel plants could be set up. Several states have requested to have higher percentages of alcohol added to their fuel but the EPA has been balking for political reasons, he suggested.
5. Monday – September 28 2009. Alternative Energy.
In the last hour, ecological biologist David Blume and actress/activist Daryl Hannah talked about renewable energy and gasoline alternatives such as alcohol. There’s a surplus of corn that could be converted into fuel, and in states like Wisconsin where alcohol competes with gasoline at the pumps, the price for gas is much lower than it is in California, he said. Hannah noted that cactus can actually be converted into fuel, and recommended the Sustainable Biodiesel Alliance as a further resource.
4. Monday – March 2 2009. Alternative energy advocate David Blume shared updates on alcohol fuel and related topics.
In the second half of the show, alternative energy advocate David Blume shared updates on alcohol fuel and related topics. Big oil companies are starting to take control of independent fuel markets, he warned, citing the case of oil refiner Valero, which is buying the corn ethanol plants of bankrupt ethanol producer VeraSun. Such bankruptcies are related to the manipulation of futures contracts, he explained. Cars can actually run on up to 50% alcohol without any conversion process, he noted, adding that plants such as sweet sorghum and cattails offer a much higher yield for fuel than corn. Blume announced a series of workshops on alcohol fuel that he’s conducting around the country.
3. Thursday – November 13 2008. Advantages of Using Alcohol-Based Fuels.
An expert in alternative fuels and sustainable agriculture, David Blume discussed the advantages of using alcohol-based fuels, which he said are 98% pollution free. In addition to making us less dependent on foreign oil, using such fuels can help reverse global warming– the increased growth of plants used to make the fuels takes out CO2, he explained. Many different plant sources can be used to make alcohol. Corn, he noted, doesn’t have that high of a yield compared to a plant such as sweet sorghum, which generates 1,000 gallons per acre. Reports that growing corn for making ethanol was leading to starvation were untrue, said Blume, who pointed out there was actually a surplus of corn, and the U.S. only uses 5% of its farm lands on corn. The oil companies have employed multiple strategies to curtail the use of alcohol-based fuels, such as buying corn futures at high prices, and claiming alcohol can harm car engine parts, he stated. Cars can actually run on up to 50% alcohol without any conversion process, said Blume, who added there are some 2,000 alternative fuel stations in America. He encouraged people to start their own small plants or stills– such enterprises can inject money into local economies.
2. Tuesday – September 30 2008. Gas Shortages.
Appearing in the latter half of the first hour, alternative fuel consultant David Blume commented on recent gas shortages in the Southeast. While the problem has been blamed on weather-related disruptions, he suggested the oil companies could be experimenting with what people will put up with, and what they can get away with.
1. Thursday – July 17 2008. Alcohol-Based Fuels.
Ecological biologist David Blume discussed the importance and benefits of alcohol-based fuels, and how the petroleum industry has suppressed their development. Some of the earliest cars such as the Model T were flex fuel (running on either gas or alcohol), and Henry Ford was an advocate for alcohol fuel. However, he was opposed by John D. Rockefeller who pushed for Prohibition, which stopped the manufacture of alcohol for any purpose, Blume detailed. Cheaper than gas, alcohol is a superior fuel, as it leaves no carbon behind, engines last longer, and it can free us from foreign dependence, he noted. There are some twenty different crops that can produce alcohol, and many of them, such as sugar beets, yield more alcohol per acre than corn. Most cars can actually run with up to 50% alcohol in their tanks, without using any kind of conversion device, Blume declared, and kits can be added to vehicles for less than $300. People can get permits to create home distilleries to brew their own alcohol fuel, which enables them to be eligible for tax credits, he said. An advocate for community organizing, Blume said in many locales residents have set up driver owned stations which offer alcohol pumps.