(Coming Soon: Blume Craft Spirits - Available in Vanity Labels as well)
Blume Craft Spirits aims to become a leading producer of organic craft spirits featuring a full line of distinctive, high-quality, small-batch hand-crafted liquors. Blume’s unique and proven distillation processes, equipment, and expertise will use Blume’s proprietary regenerative processes to transform local organic waste from inputs into valuable co-products, including high-nutrient organic fertilizers.
Blume Craft Spirits products include Rums, Whiskies, Vodkas and Gins, from a variety of crops, and alcohol bitters (flavorings for mixed drinks). In addition to its liquor products, the Company will produce and sell organic liquid fertilizer and food grade CO2 to West Coast farmers.
Online alcohol sales in the US reached $6.1 billion in 2021. Rabobank’s Alcohol E-Commerce Playbook Report (2022) examines the growth of the market since the start of the pandemic and forecasts an additional 3.4% growth in 2022 for online sales, the biggest driver of industry growth for years to come. The report also documents an increase of 274% for online alcohol marketplaces in 2020, with additional growth of 15% predicted for this year.
Blume is focused on serving the growing demand for craft spirits. Blume will operate an on-site tasting room and will serve customers throughout California via direct online sales pending California State Senate Bill SB-620, which will enable small local distillery and brewery operations to produce and sell direct to end-consumers up to 150,000 gallons of alcohol annually without requiring a broker or distribution partner.
David Blume pioneered the production of multiple grades of alcohol using small-scale plants. His best-selling book Alcohol Can Be A Gas! presents decades of research and development work he has conducted around the world designing and developing advanced, closed-loop regenerative agricultural and food-waste-to-alcohol production systems.
With funding, Blume will upgrade its current plant to produce commercial spirits. It will engage a California Beverage Broker to introduce its line of craft-distilled spirits, as well as to drive private label sales to hospitality and beverage retailers throughout California and the US.
Blume Craft Spirits is still in the process of capitalization, and those interested can talk to us about it.
371 Calabasas Road, Watsonville, CA 95076 USA
Mon – Fri by appointment only